First-Generation Student Success Fund

First-Generation Student Success Fund

What is a First-Generation (FirstGen) Student Success Fund?

The First Generation Student Success fund was created in 2017 by Sue Day-Perroots, then the Associate Provost for Undergraduate Education, to address the need and success of a significant first time student population at WVU. We consider a student FirstGen if neither parent/guardian earned a four-year degree.  How many FirstGen students are at WVU?  On average 23% of the undergraduate population self-identifies as FirstGen.  The First-Generation Student Success fund helps support programming geared specifically to first-generation students in order to help them connect and engage with their new community. 

The Office of Student Success works with students and their families in order to understand how to navigate higher education by learning the college lingo as well as, the expectations and responsibilities placed on students in college versus high school.  Students are also encouraged to connect with a faculty/staff or peer mentor to help them in their transition as they often unaware of what they do not know or what they need to ask.  Previous events included National First-Generation Day Celebrations, November 8, ice cream socials, game nights, and cooking dinner with their mentors.


We Need Your Help

By making a gift to the First-Generation Student Success fund, you are helping low-income students with needs such as textbooks, tuition assistance, or other hardships they may experience as a student.       


How To Help

  1. Contribute today! All proceeds raised through donation, whether small or large, will make a big difference!
  2. Spread the word! Ask your family, friends, and co-workers to help share the campaign.

For more information, contact: Michelle Paden, Program Coordinator of First-Generation Initiatives in Office of Student Success (

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